Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Bergerak sampai sini


But eventually,

there's always...

"Ofcourse!", said him.

I turned my head and see a black caped old man standing there alone.

"He's tall", I thought.

"Were you reading my thought just now, sir?", I asked him.

He keep silent and calmly walk to me. I turned my body to him and keep on my foot standing. He  stopped in - maybe - less than 10 cm from my position.

He kept on silent mode and saw through my eyes.

I didn't move nor talk anything. But my brain kept on stand by and gradually analyze the old man.



 1 minutes full of silence and he start talking,

"Don't be doubtful. You're a man, a young man. If you're in doubt, make your way through it so you shall not be in doubt anymore!".

I am on my silence even after his words. He stare for several seconds and touched my shoulder with his right arm to embrace me before he went across the street. He disappeared from my view after he walk in to a gang there.

I was just being embraced by a stranger?

Hey, even it is in a fictional virtual world of my own.
My own soliloquy.
My own mind.
I am being..
Self-embraced by it?

Is this my power?

Gelombang kedua dimulai tahun ini sejak aku mendapatkan gelombang pertama bertahun-tahun yang lalu.
Dan kupikir pekan lalu aku baru saja akan mengakhiri gelombang kedua ini.
Namun secepat itukah seorang aku berputus asa?
Tanpa perlawanan berarti?

Aku jadi ingat kata-kata yang kubagikan hari kemarin: tak perlu khawatir akan kesia-siaan usaha.

"Have no regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets."

So, then. I must do with all my might and arsenal before I call it off. I'm in doubt because I still haven't go thoroughly enough. So, break all the mold and go with power of tornado.


= sepotong tulisan ini disusun dalam 3 hari yang berbeda secara terputus-putus =
= setelah tulisan ini kuakhiri aku mendengar sayup-sayup suara lelaki tua berjas hitam panjang itu berbicara sambil pergi menjauh: "you've got all power you need" =


  1. jangan-jangan awakmu ki salah satu peretas Dam, dan bapak tua itu Sarvara. halah

    1. wah ada mbak sofi :D
      haha bisaa jadii bisa jadii. :D
      aku peretas apa ya? peretas energi? peretas waktu? XD
